Benefits of International Quality Management Standards

Post on 20/3/2018

Quality can be a difficult term to try to define. How does one know when something is of “quality” and when it is not?  Luckily, we can leave this debate up to the armchair philosophers because there is an international authority who determines this for us: The International Organization for Standardization, also known as ISO.

Founded 1947 in Geneva, Switzerland, this non-governmental organization facilitates trade between nations by setting an agreed-upon set of business standards and organizational practices. With the increase in globalization during and after World War II, the world needed an agreed-upon to allow fair and reliable trade between nations. Standards created by ISO help businesses increase productivity while minimizing errors and waste, and currently cover more than 20,000 different areas ranging from manufacturing and technology to food safety, agriculture, and healthcare.

Most relevant to us here at SainStore are the ISO 9001:2015 standards. The ISO 9001 series deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems (QMS) and is based on seven quality management principles (QMPs):

  1. Customer focus
  2. Leadership
  3. Engagement of people
  4. Process approach
  5. Improvement
  6. Evidence-based decision making
  7. Relationship management

In short, these seven quality management principles are guidelines for companies to allow for efficient internal organization, mutually beneficial relationships with partner companies (suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, etc.) and a guarantee for customers that the products or services they receive will be of good and reliable quality. Everybody wins when ISO 9001 standards are met!

On March 14, 2018, SainStore received the ISO9001 Quality Management System certification. This certification covers the scope of software development, as well as e-commerce marketing and consulting.

We have always strived to improve our internal management and processes in order to provide a memorable and joyous experience for our customers. As a leader in the cross-border e-commerce industry, this certification symbolizes our commitment to improve ourselves internally and move forward on our journey to remove the negative stigma of “Made in China” in markets across the world.  

Thanks for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to helping you on your own personal journey for years to come.